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Account>Is the Streamer Account paid?

Is the Streamer Account paid?

Creating a Streamer Account in Papara is free. For the transaction fees to be applied on the donation, we implement the commercial/excessive usage rules we have stated on our Fees & Limits page.

As we have stated on our Fees & Limits page, when you receive a money transfer of ₺5,000 or more from 5 different people to your Papara account within the same month, or from 10 different people regardless of the amount, within the same month, a 3.40% (excluding BITT) commission is applied for subsequent transactions.

Remember, if the donation or money transfers you receive to your Papara account with a Streamer Account do not exceed these limits, there is no transaction fee for the donation you receive. In other words, you can accept donations below these limits without paying any transaction fee/commission.

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