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Precious Metals
What is Papara Precious Metal Account?How can I open a Precious Metal Account in Papara?Who can open a Precious Metal Account in Papara?What is Goldtag?Do I pay foreign exchange tax on precious metal transactions at Papara?What are the properties of the gold mine I bought from Papara?Can I physically obtain the precious metal I purchased from Papara?Where is my gold kept in Papara?What is the 'Buy Precious Metals with My Cashbacks at the End of the Month' feature?Can I purchase Precious Metals with my Cashbacks?What is the minimum amount of precious metals I can purchase with my Cashbacks?I've turned off the 'Buy at the End of the Month' feature. Can I still purchase precious metals with my Cashbacks?What is a Precious Metals recurring buy order?How do I set up a recurring gold buy order on Papara?How do I set up a recurring silver buy order on Papara?How do I set up a recurring platinum buy order on Papara?Do I pay any fees for a precious metal account at Papara?Why is there a difference between buying and selling prices of precious metals?Why does the difference between precious metal buying and selling prices increase when markets are closed?Purchase-Sell
How can I buy/sell gold in Papara?How can I buy/sell silver in Papara?How can I buy/sell platinum in Papara?Transfer
How can I transfer gold on Papara?Who can transfer gold on Papara?Will I face commission fees for gold transfers?Is there a lower limit for gold transfers on Papara?How much gold can I transfer or receive per month?Will my TL transfer limit be affected if I transfer gold?Can I transfer my precious metals from other institutions to Papara or vice versa?How can I transfer precious metals on Papara?Who can transfer precious metals on Papara?Will I face any commission fees for precious metal transfers?Is there a lower/upper limit for precious metal transfers in Papara?Will my TL transfer limit be affected by my precious metal transfers?Не нашел ответа на нужный вопрос?
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