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Papara Card>How can I activate my Papara Card?

How can I activate my Papara Card?

  • Log into your Papara account.
  • If you wish to activate your Papara (Black, Gray, Rose, Almond, Teal) Card, go to Papara Card, select your card and click the Activate button.
  • If you want to add a Papara Card that you bought from point of sales, click Papara Card Tab > Add New Card > Add Papara Card, enter the card information, and click the Activate button.
  • If you wish to activate your Metal Card, go to Metal Card, select your card and click the Activate button.
  • If you want to add a Batman Card from the Papara Card page, click New Card > Collection Card > Add a Collection Card, enter the card information, and click the Activate button.
  • That’s all! You can start using your card.

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