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Papara Card>Why did my Papara Card design evaluation result negatively?

Why did my Papara Card design evaluation result negatively?

Your Papara Card design is evaluated according to the rules below and approved if it complies with these rules. The evaluation of a design containing one or more of these rules will result negatively.

  • Content that legitimizes, praises or encourages terrorism or violence
  • Nudity or sexual content
  • Phone numbers, email addresses, URLs, social media, identifiers, passports, ID cards and account numbers, except for contact information that is not the focal point of the image, missing or illegible
  • Advertising, promotional materials and any form of personal promotion, including branded products and services
  • Copyright content
  • Branded or trademarked products/services/logos, including abbreviations and symbols of any nature
  • Violent, offensive, racist/judgmental of any kind, including images in which weapons are the focus or used in a threatening way content\n\nContent with a focus on cigarettes, drugs, alcohol or gambling
  • Any offensive religious or political content, including slogans, flags, emblems, government symbols that depict hate groups or others that are socially unacceptable
  • Anything that could cause confusion, point-of-sale rejection, other fraud related issues, or tampering with security features such as: signatures, 4-digit PIN numbers
  • Any Card Processing Association (eg. MasterCard, Visa, American Express, etc.) trade names, logos, slogans, or other identifying marks
  • Any vague content that is considered to have an unclear or double meaning and is prohibited by this agreement
  • The use of emojis that cannot be printed on the card

Make sure your design does not contain any of these items so that your card design can be approved and produced.

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