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Deposit>How can I place a deposit order via a debit/credit card?

How can I place a deposit order via a debit/credit card?

You can create a deposit order from your card with the frequency of Monthly, Weekly, Daily, When my balance falls below a set limit or Insufficient Balance when you spend by visiting Place a Deposit Order page in Deposit > Deposit via Debit/Credit Card menu. 

With the frequency of 'When my balance falls below a set limit', the amount you want will be deposited automatically from your card when the balance of your Papara account falls below the limit you set.

With the frequency of 'Insufficient Balance When You Spend', an automatic deposit will be made from the card in the amount of the missing amount when the balance of your Papara Account is insufficient during Papara spendings or recurring payments.

You can view the instructions by clicking Deposit Instructions button from the Deposit > Deposit via Debit/Credit Card menu. You can view the instruction details by selecting your instruction. You can check the status of the transactions pertaining to the order on Recent Transactions page in the order detail, and if the deposit transaction has not been fullfilled, you can click the Retry button to perform the transaction.

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