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Payments>How do I split bill payments?

How do I split bill payments?

  • Click the "Split" quick action button on your bill payment or visit the Split menu.
  • Select the payment you want to split. 
  • Choose who you want to split the payment with; if a friend is not on the list, you can add them by entering their mobile phone number. 
  • The payment is automatically divided among the people you add. You can adjust the payment amount for each person. When you edit someone’s amount, the rest is automatically divided equally among the others. 
  • The split request will be sent as a money request to the people you’ve added.
  • You can control the money requests you’ve sent on the Split > Outgoing Requests page. Pending requests are located under Active Requests
  • If you wish, you can remind a person the Split request by tapping the Remind button. 
  • When a user accepts your Split request, the amount will be transferred from their account to yours, and you will be informed. 
  • You will be notified when everyone on your Split request has responded.  You review the details of this request from Split > Outgoing Requests > Completed Requests

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