Papara is with you whenever you want to donate!
Donating on Papara is fast and free. You can easily complete the process in a few steps. The entire amount you donate is instantly transferred to reliable charitable organizations.
Open Papara AccountMake a donation in your own name or on behalf of someone else
Thank you for your support. Through your Papara account, you can make donations in your own name or on behalf of someone else.
If you're making a donation on behalf of someone else, follow these steps:
• Select the organization you want to donate to
•Specify the amount
• Choose On Behalf of Someone Else and fill in the required information. That's it!
We grow as we support each other
Together, we are stronger! With Papara, you can make a one-time donation or schedule it regularly. If you prefer to make regular donations, you can set up instructions through the 'Monthly Regular Donation' option. When you choose regular donations, the specified amount is donated to the chosen organization on the first day of each month from your Papara account or the linked bank/credit card. Donations are notified via email.
How can I make a donation?
You can follow the steps below or check out our prepared video to make donations to many institutions and organizations in seconds.
If you're making a donation on behalf of someone else, you can follow these steps
• Tap on Payments
• Select the Donation option
•Choose the organization you want to donate to and set the limit
That's it!"
Institutions you can donate to with Papara
For an exclusive financial experience, use Papara.
• Arama Kurtarma Derneği
• Altı Nokta Körler Vakfı
• Darüşşafaka Cemiyeti
• Tohum Otizm Vakfı
• Öğretmen Akademisi Vakfı
• İhtiyaç Haritası
• Hayvan Hakları Federasyonu
• Kadın Emeğini Değerlendirme Vakfı
• IDEA Universal Derneği
• Cerebral Palsy Türkiye
• Türkiye Alzheimer Derneği
• Kanserli Çocuklara Umut Vakfı
• Türkiye Eğitim Gönüllüleri Vakfı
• Türkiye Down Sendromu Derneği
Make a difference with your donations
The entire amount you donate with Papara is instantly transferred to charitable organizations.
While making a donation, you won't incure any fees.
With just one click, you can support many organizations either in your own name or on behalf of someone else.