Account>How can I verify my account?
How can I verify my account?
You can verify your account by following the steps below.
- Log into your Papara account.
- Tap Verify My Account.
- Take the photo ID you used to verify your account with you.
During the account verification process, we check the similarities between the person in the Liveness Verification and the photo on the identity card. (You will need to scan the front and back of your identity card.) Before starting the process, please make sure you have sufficient light and good internet speed.
According to the identity type, the account verification steps are as follows:
New ID Card:
With NFC supported device:
- Scan the front and back of your ID with your phone's camera, showing the direction of your ID correctly. Thus, the information on the front and back of the ID will be checked.
- Touch the chip on your ID to the camera area on the back of your NFC supported phone and wait.
- Information read from the ID chip appears in the Identity Information step.
- Choose the profession that suits you in your career step.
- When the frame is green in the liveness check step:
- Look at the camera and wait for it to count down from 3.
- Turn your head left and right when it counts down from 5.
Once the liveness check is completed, your account verification application will be received. Once your application is reviewed and approved within a short time, your account will be verified.
With NFC unsupported devices:
- Account verification cannot be made with devices that do not support NFC. You must have an NFC supported device to verify your account.
Old ID Card:
- Verification with the Old ID Card is not supported. You need a new ID card with a chip to verify your account.
T.C Residence Permit Document:
- Scan the front of your ID with your phone's camera, showing the direction of your foreign ID correctly. Thus, the information on the front of the ID will be taken and checked.
- Information obtained from the foreign identity card appears in the Identity Information step.
- Choose the profession that suits you in your career step.
- When the frame is green in the liveness check step:
- Look at the camera and wait for it to count down from 3.
- Turn your head left and right when it counts down from 5.
Once the liveness check is completed, your account verification application will be received. Your application will be reviewed and approved within a short time.