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FX Transactions>How can I exchange foreign currencies?
How can I exchange foreign currencies?
You will be able to sell only your current currencies with your foreign currency account after from 1st of December, 2022 due to new regulations. Follow these steps to sell your currencies.
- Choose the relevant currency account from the home page
- Tap Exchange > Buy/Sell > Sell > Enter amount
- Tap continue, and confirm to sell your currencies at the best available rates
That's all.
Exchange rates are dynamic rates and the rate will be displayed on the Papara app before exchanging your money. Once the exchange is completed, you will receive the amount in your Turkish Lite account. Please keep in mind that a legal exchange tax of 0.2% on the total amount will be applied.
You won’t be able to deposit, transfer money or buy any foreign currency with your foreign currency account at Papara for a while.