Precious Metals>How can I buy/sell platinum in Papara?
How can I buy/sell platinum in Papara?
Remember, you need to confirm your transaction within a certain period of time in order to make transactions at the most up-to-date exchange rates. The amount you set when buying platinum will be debited from your Papara account.
You can follow the same steps to sell platinum by clicking the Sell button. The amount you set when selling platinum will be transferred from your Papara account.
Remember, since platinum exchange rates are very volatile, you must confirm your transaction within 10 seconds. If you don't confirm your transaction within 10 seconds, you can click the Update Price button to get a new price and complete your transaction this way. You can also buy a minimum of 0.01 grams of platinum on Papara.
The platinum you buy on Papara is stored in banks with a purity of 1000/1000. It complies with international standards and is 1000/1000 purity.