Precious Metals>How to buy/sell platinum on Papara?
How to buy/sell platinum on Papara?
How to buy and sell platinum on Papara?
To buy and sell platinum on Papara, follow these steps:
- Swipe left on the accounts section on the homepage to find the Precious Metals Account.
- Select platinum from the top section of the area and tap the "Buy/Sell" button.
- Choose either a buy or sell transaction.
- Enter the desired amount in TL or the platinum gram amount.
- Confirm the transaction.
That’s it! Remember, to carry out transactions based on the most current exchange rates, you need to confirm your transaction within a specific time. The amount you designate when buying platinum will be deducted from your Papara account.
To sell platinum, you can follow the same steps by tapping the Sell button. The amount you designate when selling platinum will be credited to your Papara account.
Keep in mind that platinum rates can fluctuate significantly, so you should confirm your transaction within 10 seconds. If you do not confirm within that time, you can tap the Update Price button to get a new price and complete your transaction this way. Also, you can purchase a minimum of 0.01 grams of platinum on Papara.
The platinum you buy on Papara is stored in banks with a purity of 1000/1000.