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Precious Metals>How to buy/sell silver on Papara?

How to buy/sell silver on Papara?

How to Buy Silver on Papara?

  1. Swipe left on the accounts section on the home page to find your Precious Metal Account.
  2. Select silver from the top of the section and tap the "Buy/Sell" button.
  3. Choose either the buying or selling transaction.
  4. Enter the desired amount in TL or the number of grams of silver.
  5. Confirm your transaction.

Remember, you need to approve your transaction within a certain timeframe to ensure you're using the most current rates. When buying silver, the amount you specify will be deducted from your Papara account.

To sell silver, you can follow the same steps by tapping the Sell button. The specified amount when selling silver will be transferred to your Papara account.

Keep in mind that silver rates are highly volatile, so you need to confirm your transaction within 10 seconds. If you don’t approve it within this time, you can tap the Update Price button to receive a new price and complete your transaction. Also, you can make a minimum purchase of 0.01 grams of silver on Papara.

The silver you buy on Papara is stored in banks at a purity level of 1000/1000.

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